1. The name of the depositary according to the data specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and in the depositary charter
- The full company name according to the constituent documents in Russian — Акционерное общество «Райффайзенбанк», in English — Joint Stock Company Raiffeisenbank.
- The abbreviated firm name in Russian is АО «Райффайзенбанк», in English — AO Raiffeisenbank.
2. License for depositary activity
License of Professional Securities Market Participant to carry out depository activities, issued by Federal Commission on Securities Market (FCSM) of Russia on December 4, 2000, # 177-03176-000100, without limitation of validity (electronic copy).
https://naufor.ru/3. Membership in a self-regulatory organization
Self-regulated organization "National Association of Stock Market Participants" (NAUFOR), official web-site: naufor.ru
4. Basic standard
The basic standard of protection of rights and interests of individuals and legal entities - recipients of financial services, provided by members of self-regulatory organizations in the sphere of financial market, uniting depositories (electronic copy).
5. Addresses of the depositary and depositary's offices, website, e-mail and contact telephone number
- Legal and postal address: 28, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Ploshchad, Moscow, 119002
- Phone: +7 495 721-99-00
- Fax: +7 495 721-99-01
- E-mail: broker@raiffeisen.ru — for Premium Banking clients — individuals; RBRU_Private_Banking_Middle_Office@raiffeisen.ru — for Private Banking clients — individuals; sales@raiffeisen.ru — for corporate clients.
- The website of Raiffeisen Bank— raif.ru, the depositary page address — raif.ru/en/corporate/securities/deposit/
- Addresses of the depositary offices: Premium Banking (parameters: Premium Banking service area, "Apply" button); for clients of the Private Banking segment: 119002, Moscow, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Pl., 28, 115432, Moscow, Andropova prospekt, 18, Bld. 2; for clients of legal entities: 119002, Moscow, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Pl., 28.
6. Financial services and additional depositary services, including those provided for a extra fee
The depositary shall render services in accordance with the depositary agreements concluded and the terms and conditions of depositary activities. The fees for services are specified in the tariffs. For more details please visit page of the Depositary.
8. The authority exercising control and supervision over depositary activities is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia), cbr.ru.
9. Appeals and complaints can be send to
10. Methods of protecting the rights of the recipient of financial services, including information about the possibility and methods of pre-trial (extrajudicial) dispute resolution, including the availability of the claim procedure, the mediation procedure (if any)
- All disputes and disagreements between the Bank and a depositor in connection with the provision by the Bank of custody services on the securities market and performance of other actions stipulated by the custody agreement and terms of custody activity shall be settled through negotiations.
- If the depositor is not satisfied with the services provided, he/she may apply to the depositary with a written claim. Within thirty (30) calendar days from complaint receipt date, the depositary considers the complain and notifies the depositor of the results of its consideration in writing.
- If the parties have failed to resolve disputes and disagreements in the manner described above, the dispute shall be referred for resolution to the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow or judicial district of justice of the peace No. 383 of Moscow. This does not apply in cases where the law expressly establishes the jurisdiction of another court.
11. Documents required for transfer of title to securities owned by a depositor to other persons under a will or federal law
- If the depositary receives a death certificate of a depositor (other document confirming the death of a depositor) or upon receipt of a corresponding request from a notary or a court, transactions in the securities account of such depositor shall be suspended until the ownership right to the securities belonging to such depositor is transferred to other persons by will or by law. In this case the depositary shall not charge any expenses or fees from the date on which the depositary becomes aware of the death of the depositor, until the inherited securities are credited to the successor.
- Closing of a depo account of a deceased depositor in the absence of securities on the depositary account opened to him is carried out on the basis of the service order to close the depositary account and one of the following documents: the death certificate of the depositor (notarized copy), certificate of right to inherit (notarized copy), enforceable court decision declaring the depositor deceased (notarized copy).
The Depositary does not open depo accounts for recording the right of common shared ownership.
12. Procedure for the work of the Depositary when the Client (potential Client) submits an incomplete set of documents
- The procedure for accepting, examining and listing documents is specified in the Terms and Conditions of Depositary Operations section of the depositary agreement.
- The depositary shall open a depo account for a client who is a legal entity within five (5) business days, and for a client who is an individual within two (2) business days of receipt from the client of all documents specified in paragraph 6.5 of the conditions, and send a confirmation of the opening of a depo account to the depositor, indicating the depo account number assigned to the depositor, or notify the depositor of the withdrawal and return all documents submitted.
- The depositary may not accept for execution a depositor's instruction until the depositor submits all documents required to open a depo account. The depositary will not accept a depositary's instruction if the documents submitted by the depositor as supporting documents for the depo instruction are not prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions or applicable law.
- Any correspondence under the deposit agreement may be delivered in person or sent by courier, SWIFT, online banking, return receipt requested, or by registered mail. Correspondence should be addressed to the recipient at his address or number specified in article 12 of the depositary agreement (not applicable to individual depositors) or depositor's questionnaire. At the same time it is allowed to use special means of communication, including electronic mail, as well as sending correspondence by courier, in accordance with the requirements and the procedure specified in the depositary agreement and conditions.
13. Information on the procedure of informing the beneficiary of financial services about the receipt of appeal or complaint shall be placed on the depositary's website
- The bank shall accept an appeal or complaint in oral or written form, inform the customer or potential customer that his/her appeal will be mandatorily registered in the bank system. A unique number is assigned to the appeal (if possible, the number is communicated immediately). The bank informs that after consideration of the appeal or complaint it will provide an answer in the manner indicated by the customer or potential customer.
- As soon as the bank registers the appeal or complaint, the client receives an SMS-notification (if there is a contact cell phone number) with a unique number (number of the appeal or complaint), the established term of consideration (appeal or complaint), the name of the curator and the phone number of the relevant division.