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Wherever you are, our online banking will make access to your information and management of your personal accounts comfortable and fast!
0 ₽
connecting to the online banking system
without commissions
0 ₽
pay for mobile communication services and utilities
In addition to reliable encryption, you get tools that enable total control of operations on the accounts and events
Fees will be charged only for certain types of operations in accordance with existing tariffs
Special rates on ruble transfers are in effect for holders of the «Premium» service package
Enable the ’SMS Notifications’ service
Make transfers in rubles and foreign currency at preferential rates
Pay for investment units
All you need to do to enable the service is to bring a personal identification document with you to a Raiffeisenbank branch and sign the «Application for Registration».
After signing the application you will receive:
In order to perform active online transactions in the system, you will need to enable a convenient method of obtaining one-time passwords to confirm transactions using a special device (card reader) or via SMS.
Statements can be issued for the current and for the preceding years. The data in the statement can be sorted by any column. Mini statements enable you to list a specified number of transactions. For your convenience, the reserved funds are displayed in grey color in the card statement.
Except for the credit card statements and mini statements the ‘Periodic Statement’ service allows you to view the minimum payment amount, the debt of the grace period, accrued interest and other information on your credit cards for the reporting period. Also, the periodic credit card statement shows the deposits of funds to the credit line.
The account (card) balance is displayed immediately after logging in. Any currently reserved funds are considered in the card balance as well.
Deposit information includes the following:
Information on loans includes the amount of each loan, date of loan inception and withdrawal, interest rate, principal balance, as well as the amount and date of the next payment for the loan.
You can also view the history of loan payments, where the information on repayments of interest and fixed-debt liability is shown.
This option allows for tracking of operations on bank cards such as changes of the card balance in cases of receipt of funds on the account /charge-offs from the account to which the card is linked, notifications about the minimum payment and mini statements (in the case of a credit card). You may find out more about this service in the ‘SMS-Notifications’ section. You may enable this service though the Raiffeisen Online system.
This information includes the quantity and value of the acquired shares of each of the funds, personal account numbers, and the numbers and dates of application for the multiple acquisition of shares.
This service lets you quickly learn about new individual offers from the bank and apply for them easily. It also provides information on current and previously received offers and their duration periods. This section is updated monthly.
All major formats are supported for export of your bank account statements to popular home accounting software packages.
This feature allows you to view and print the details of your accounts. This service will be useful in case you want make a transfer to your account in Raiffeisen Bank.
The Raiffeisen Online service lets you submit an application for a credit card or a mortgage loan. One of our managers will get in touch with you shortly after receiving the application.
In order to access the system you should enable the methods of confirmation of active transactions with one-time passwords.
The instant payment of cellular services, Internet services, commercial television, landlines, etc. can be performed using bank cards. No fee is charged. The list of providers is being constantly updated. If the provider you are interested in is not on the list, you can send a request by e-mail to have your ptovider registered: online@raiffeisen.ru
The registration of payment orders in Russian rubles for transfer of funds for the payment of investment shares (in case of additional purchases) is a service available to Clients who have submitted an application for the multiple acquisitions of shares.
Fixed-term deposits can be opened in Russian rubles, US dollars and euros. The following deposits can be opened through Raiffeisen Online: ‘Personal Preference’, ‘Freedom of Action’, ‘Universal’ and ‘Raiffeisen Online Money Growth!’. The following additional conditions on deposits can be indicated: prolongation (for the automatic re-execution of the agreement on the same conditions for the next term) and capitalization (in this case the deposit interest will be added to the deposit amount). Deposits can be placed for different terms (from 1 month to 2 years).
The following term deposits can be replenished online: ‘Personal Preference’, ‘Freedom of Action’, ‘Universal’ and ‘Raiffeisen Online Money Growth!’. You can partially withdraw money from deposits ‘Universal’ and ‘Freedom of Action’ (minimum balance included). The operations with term deposits shall not be performed on the day of opening, closing and prolongation of deposits.
Registration of payment orders in Russian rubles can be made for transfer of funds from your account in Russian rubles to other accounts in Russian rubles in Raiffeisen Bank and in other banks. The Bank charges fees for such operations.
Registration of transfer orders in Russian rubles can be made for paying state taxes to the Russian Federation. In comparison with the typical ‘transfer order in Russian rubles’, additional fields to fill in are provided here. No fee is charged on tax payments to the Russian Federation.
The online transfer of funds between your Raiffeisen Bank cards is possible either from debit or credit cards.
Exchange operations and transfer of funds from your accounts in the Bank can be performed for the replenishment of your debit and credit cards. This service is similar to ‘Internal Transfer and Exchange Operations’, but it is easier to choose the necessary card’s account for the replenishment here (because you are choosing the card, not the card’s account from the list). The service is available from the Bank cards section (either debit or credit cards). No fee is charged.
You can transfer funds from your foreign currency accounts to foreign currency accounts in other banks within the Russian Federation. The Bank charges fees for this type of operations.
You can transfer funds from your foreign currency accounts to foreign currency accounts in banks outside the Russian Federation. The Bank charges fees for this type of operations.